Is Garage Band Brewing family friendly?

We are family friendly! But you know your family better than we do, so we’ll let you be the official judge.

Is Garage Band Brewing pet friendly?

We are pet friendly as long as the owners are well behaved :-). Please keep your pet on a short leash and by you at all times. So that we can continue to allow pets, we ask that you do not bring your pet around other pets or patrons.

Can I purchase your beers online?

Yes! Our 4-Pack options are always changing, so check our online ordering page for options. We also offer cool merchandise like hats, t-shirts, sweatshirts, koozies and glasses in-house too!

How can I find out what’s happening at the brewery tonight?

We offer a variety of entertainment from live music to trivia! For a calendar of upcoming activities, check out the Events Page.

What kind of music do you offer?

One of the great things about Garage Band is that you’ll get to hear some new tunes while sipping our tasty brews. We host talented musical artists from throughout the Chicagoland area to present a variety of genres. Check out our Music page on this website or our Facebook Events Page to see who’s performing next!

Can my band perform at Garage Band Brewing?

We’re open to listening to some new sounds! If you are interested in performing your music for us, please fill out an application here.